In an unusual hiding place equipped to conceal illegal goods, customs officers have faced in Poland at the checkpoint in Bezledy allocated by the General Consulate of Poland in Kaliningrad. On careful examination was sent to a bus belonging to one of the Kaliningrad companies engaged in passenger transportation. As it later turned out, this verification has the longest border with Russia. Getting to the hotel to the caches customs began on Thursday, about 20.00, and completed the inspection on Friday after 4 am.
First, inspectors drew attention to the rather large wall in the driver's seat, sewn upholstery. Cutting the wall, the customs officers saw the door hiding place, where they were made of iron armor. Just open the door failed, because they were closed for electromagnetic lock, which is impossible to break even with the scrap. After some time, customs officers found a wire leading to the electromagnet, cutting and de-energized device which, they were able to turn the heavy door handle. The cache was recovered 1,768 packets of cigarettes.
But it's hiding place was only a smaller part of the whole system caches. The service dog, which participated in the inspection, something sensed in the back of the bus. Under the steering wheel revealed another door, also upholstered in armored with iron and locked with the help of an electromagnet. But no one expected that the door hiding the real maze, and so large that the customs officer was able to enter inside. Moving from one part to another, he came upon a wall, fragments sewn saw that prevent access. Surprisingly, supertaynike customs officers did not find any cigarettes, even though they estimated there could hold about 20 thousand packs of tobacco products.
The long and laborious examination ended with criminal charges against the driver. The bus, with its refurbishment as smuggling, according to the provisions of the current Polish legislation has been confiscated.
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